Delicario Courgette Pesto


200g | Vegan, Gluten Free

A Sicilian twist on the classic pesto, organic courgettes are harvested at their sweetest point in summer, oven-baked then blended with pine nuts and basil in EVOO to produce a rich flavoursome sauce to jazz up any pasta dish or grilled fish.

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200g | Vegan, Gluten Free

A Sicilian twist on the classic pesto, organic courgettes are harvested at their sweetest point in summer, oven-baked then blended with pine nuts and basil in EVOO to produce a rich flavoursome sauce to jazz up any pasta dish or grilled fish.

200g | Vegan, Gluten Free

A Sicilian twist on the classic pesto, organic courgettes are harvested at their sweetest point in summer, oven-baked then blended with pine nuts and basil in EVOO to produce a rich flavoursome sauce to jazz up any pasta dish or grilled fish.


Content: 200g

Ingredients:  *Courgettes 88%, *extra virgin olive oil, * wine vinegar, *pinenuts, *basil, salt, *garlic, *black pepper. *From organic farming

How to enjoy: No compromise on flavour lacing this rich pesto sauce over your favourite pasta.




From the sun-drenched gardens of Sicily, only the best organic ingredients are handpicked and prepared with meticulous care in crop rotation by this small agricultural co-operative of organic producers. Rediscover authentic flavours and exceptional aromas from dedicated cultivation without pesticides or chemical fertilisers.

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